§ 45-22.1-3 Finances, staff, and planningprograms. (a) The governing bodies of municipalities have the authority to appropriatefunds for the purpose of contributing to the operation of a joint municipalplanning commission. A joint municipal planning commission, with the consent ofall the governing bodies, may also receive grants from the federal or stategovernments, or from individuals or foundations, and has the authority tocontract with these entities. Every joint municipal planning commission has thepower to appoint any employees and staff that it deems necessary for its work,and may contract with planners and other consultants for the services it mayrequire to the extent permitted by its financial resources. A joint municipalplanning commission may also prepare and sell maps, reports, bulletins, orother material and establish reasonable charges for these materials.
(b) A joint municipal planning commission may provideplanning assistance and do planning work, including surveys, land use studies,urban renewal plans, technical services, and other elements of comprehensiveplanning and planning effectuation programs in and for any participating ormember municipality, and for this purpose may, with the consent of all thegoverning bodies, accept and utilize any funds, personnel, or other assistancemade available by the federal or state governments or any of their agencies, orfrom individuals or foundations, and for the purposes of receiving and usingfederal or state planning grants for the provision of urban planningassistance, may enter into agreements or contracts regarding acceptance orutilization of the funds or assistance.