§ 45-22.2-10 Coordination of stateagencies. (a) Each state agency with regulatory or other authority affecting the goalsestablished in this chapter or the state guide plan, shall submit to thedirector, prior to January 1, 1989, a written report which addresses how eachagency has incorporated the findings, intent, and goals of this chapter intoits planned activities. This report shall be revised as necessary, but in nocase less than once every two (2) years. After January 1, 1989, agencies shallconduct their respective activities in a manner consistent with the findings,intent, and goals established under this chapter.
(b) The director shall develop standards to assistmunicipalities in the incorporation of the state goals and policies intocomprehensive plans, and to guide the director's review of comprehensive plansand state agency activities. The state planning council shall adopt, no laterthan January 1, 1989, all rules and regulations necessary to implement thestandards established by this chapter.
(c) By July 1, 1989, the director shall develop and makereadily available to all municipalities statewide data and technicalinformation for use in the preparation of comprehensive plans. Data specific toeach municipality shall be provided by that municipality. The director shallmake maximum use of existing information available from other agencies.
(2) The director may contract with any person, firm, orcorporation to develop the necessary planning information and coordinate withother state agencies as necessary to provide support for local planning efforts.
(d) It is be the duty of the director to notify all stateagencies of the approval of the comprehensive plan, or amendments to it, of amunicipality.
(e) Once a municipality's comprehensive plan is approved,programs and projects of state agencies, excluding the state guide plan asprovided for by § 42-11-10, shall conform to that plan. In the event thata state agency wishes to undertake a project or to develop a facility which isnot in conformance with the comprehensive plan, the state planning councilshall hold a public hearing on the proposal at which the state agency mustdemonstrate:
(1) That the project or facility conforms to the statedgoals, findings, and intent of this chapter.
(2) That the project or facility is needed to promote orprotect the health, safety, and welfare of the people of Rhode Island.
(3) That the project or facility is in conformance with therelevant sections of the state guide plan.
(4) That the project or size, scope, and design of thefacility has been planned to vary as little as possible from the comprehensiveplan of the municipality.
(f) After an amendment to this chapter or to the state guideplan, all municipalities shall amend their comprehensive plan to conform withthe amended chapter or the amended state guide plan. The amendments shall bemade within one year of the amendment to this chapter or to the state guideplan.