§ 45-22.2-2 Adoption of comprehensiveplans; supersession of prior plans; relation to other statutes. (a) All lawfully adopted comprehensive plans shall be brought into conformancewith this chapter according to the schedule set forth in §45-22.2-5(a)(3). Each city and town shall review its comprehensive plan andmake established amendments or revisions that are necessary to bring it intoconformance with this chapter.
(b) All cities and towns which have not adopted acomprehensive plan shall do so pursuant to the schedule established in §45-22.2-5(a)(3).
(c) Section 45-22-6 and all special acts relating tocomprehensive plans are repealed effective July 1, 1990. All provisions ofcomprehensive plans adopted under the authority of the provisions of §45-22-6 or any special act repealed by this chapter become null and void uponthe adoption of a comprehensive plan by a municipality and upon approval of theplan by the director, unless amended to conform to the provisions of thischapter.
(d) All comprehensive plans adopted under the authority of§ 45-22-6 or any special enabling act that is in effect on June 11, 1988shall remain in full force and effect until the date specified in the schedulein § 45-22.2-5(a)(3), unless amended or repealed before the specified date.
(e) Where time periods specified for an action conflict withthe provisions of a home rule or legislative charter adopted prior to June 11,1988, the provisions of this chapter take precedence.
(f) Nothing contained in this chapter is construed tosupersede or diminish any regulatory authority granted to a state agency bystatute.