§ 45-22.2-5 Formulation of comprehensiveplan by cities and towns. (a) There is established a program of local comprehensive planning to addressthe findings and intent and accomplish the goals of this chapter. RhodeIsland's cities and towns, through the exercise of their power andresponsibility pursuant to the general laws, applicable articles of the RhodeIsland Constitution, and subject to the express limitations and requirements ofthis chapter, shall:
(1) Plan for future land use which relates development toland capability, protects our natural resources, promotes a balance of housingchoices, encourages economic development, preserves and protects our openspace, recreational, historic and cultural resources, and provides for orderlyprovision of facilities and services;
(2) Adopt, update, and amend comprehensive plans includingimplementation programs consistent with the provisions of this chapter;
(3) Conform its zoning ordinance and map with itscomprehensive plan within eighteen (18) months of plan adoption and approval asprovided for in § 45-22.2-9;
(4) Do all things necessary to carry out the purposes of thischapter.
(b) Each municipality shall prepare and adopt a comprehensiveplan which is consistent with the goals, findings, intent, and other provisionsof this chapter, or amend its existing comprehensive plan to conform with therequirements of this chapter.
(c) Each municipality shall submit its proposed comprehensiveplan and existing land use regulation to the director.
(d) Each municipality shall submit any amended comprehensiveplan to the director.