§ 45-22.2-6 Required elements ofcomprehensive plan. The comprehensive plan is a statement (in text, maps, illustrations, or othermedia of communication) that is designed to provide a basis for rationaldecision making regarding the long term physical development of themunicipality. The definition of goals and policies relative to the distributionof future land uses, both public and private, forms the basis for land usedecisions to guide the overall physical, economic, and social development ofthe municipality. The comprehensive plan must be internally consistent in itspolicies, forecasts, and standards, and include the following elements:
(1) Goals and policies statement. Identifies the goalsand policies of the municipality for its future growth and development. Thestatement enumerates how the plan is consistent with the overall goals andpolicies of this chapter, the state guide plan, and related elements.
(2) Land use plan element. Designates the proposedgeneral distribution and general location and interrelationship of land use forresidential, commercial, industry, open space, recreation facilities, and othercategories of public and private uses of land. The land use element is basedupon the other elements contained in this section, and it relates the proposedstandards of population density and building intensity to the capacity of theland and available or planned facilities and services. A land use plan map,illustrating the future strategy and land use policy of the municipality, asdefined by the comprehensive plan, is required. The land use plan must containan analysis of the inconsistency of existing zoning districts, if any, with theland use plan. The land use plan should specify the process by which the zoningordinance and zoning map shall be amended to conform to the comprehensive plan.
(3) Housing element. Consists of identification andanalysis of existing and forecasted housing needs and objectives includingprograms for the preservation, including, but not limited to, the preservationof federally insured or assisted housing, improvement, and development ofhousing for all citizens. The housing element enumerates local policies andimplementation techniques to promote the production and rehabilitation ofhousing that achieves a balance of housing choices, recognizing local,regional, and statewide needs for all income levels and for all age groups,including, but not limited to, the affordability of housing and thepreservation of federally insured or assisted housing. The element identifiesspecific programs and policies for inclusion in the implementation programnecessary to accomplish this purpose and takes into account growth managementand the need to phase and pace development in areas of rapid growth. Thehousing element includes an affordable housing plan that identifies housingneeds in the community, including, but not limited to, the needs for low andmoderate income housing, establishes goals and policies to address those needs,consistent with available resources and the need to protect public health,including drinking water supplies and safety and environmental quality. Theaffordable housing plan includes an implementation program of actions to betaken to effectuate the policies and goals of the affordable housing plan.
(4) Economic development element. Includes theidentification of economic development policies and strategies, either existingor proposed by the municipality, in coordination with the land use planelement. These policies should reflect local, regional, and statewide concernsfor the expansion and stabilization of the economic base and the promotion ofquality employment opportunities and job growth. The policies andimplementation techniques must be identified for inclusion in theimplementation program element.
(5) Natural and cultural resources element. Providesan inventory of the significant natural resource areas as water, soils, primeagricultural lands, natural vegetation systems, wildlife, watersheds, wetlands,aquifers, coastal features, flood plains, and other natural resources, and thepolicies for the protection and management of these areas. The element includespolicies for the protection of the historic and cultural resources of themunicipality and the state. The policies and implementation techniques must beidentified for inclusion in the implementation program element.
(6) Services and facilities element. Provides aninventory of existing and forecasted needs for facilities and services used bythe public as, but not limited to, educational facilities, public safety,water, sanitary sewers, libraries, and community facilities. The policies andimplementation techniques must be identified for inclusion in theimplementation program element.
(7) Open space and recreation element. Includes aninventory of recreational resources, open space areas, and recorded access tothese resources and areas. The element must also contain an analysis offorecasted needs and policies for the management and protection of theseresources and areas. The policies and implementation techniques must beidentified for inclusion in the implementation program element.
(8) Circulation element. Consists of the inventory andanalysis of existing and proposed major circulation systems, street patterns,and any other modes of transportation in coordination with the land useelement. The policies and implementation techniques must be identified forinclusion in the implementation program element.
(i) A statement which defines and schedules for a period offive (5) years or more the specific public actions to be undertaken in order toachieve the goals and objectives of each element of the comprehensive plan.Scheduled expansion or replacement of public facilities, and the anticipatedcosts and revenue sources proposed to meet those costs reflected in amunicipality's capital improvement program, must be included in theimplementation program.
(ii) The implementation program identifies the public actionsnecessary to implement the objectives and standards of each element of thecomprehensive plan that require the adoption or amendment of codes andordinances by the governing body of the municipality.
(iii) The implementation program identifies other publicauthorities or agencies owning water supply facilities or providing watersupply services to the municipality, and coordinates the goals and objectivesof the comprehensive plan with the actions of public authorities or agencieswith regard to the protection of watersheds as provided in § 46-15.3-1, etseq.
(iv) The implementation program must detail the timing andschedule of municipal actions required to amend the zoning ordinance and map toconform to the comprehensive plan.