§ 45-22.2-7 Coordination of municipalplanning activities. (a) A municipality shall exercise its planning authority over the total landand inland water area within its jurisdiction.
(b) Any combination of contiguous municipalities may, uponformal adoption of an official comprehensive planning and enforcement agreementby the municipal legislative bodies, conduct joint planning and regulatoryprograms to fulfill the responsibilities established under this chapter. Themunicipalities shall agree:
(1) On procedures for joint action in the preparation andadoption of comprehensive plans and land use regulations;
(2) On the manner of representation on any joint land usebody;
(3) On the amount of contribution from each municipality forany costs incurred in the development of the plan and land use ordinances; and
(4) On the zoning designation for those areas in contiguousmunicipalities which border upon each other. The zoning designations for theseborder areas must be consistent and compatible with the adjacent area in theneighboring community.
(c) All agreements between municipalities shall be inwriting, approved in appropriate official action by the municipal legislativebodies, and forwarded to the director. All joint plans adopted by contiguousmunicipalities must be submitted to the director for approval.
(d) All municipalities shall provide for coordinating landuses with contiguous municipalities, other municipalities, and other agencies,as appropriate, including the management of resources and facilities thatextend beyond municipal boundaries as rivers, aquifers, transportationfacilities, and others. The comprehensive plan shall demonstrate consistencywith the comprehensive plans of contiguous municipalities and othermunicipalities as appropriate.