§ 45-22.4-2 Legislative findings andintent. (a) Whereas, the general assembly finds that an equitable program is needed forthe planning and financing of public facilities to serve new growth anddevelopment in the cities and towns in order to protect the public health,safety and general welfare of the citizens of this state.
(b) Whereas, it is therefore the public policy of the stateand in the public interest that cities and towns are authorized to assess,impose, levy and collect fees defined herein as impact fees for all newdevelopment within their jurisdictional limits.
(c) Whereas, it is the intent of the general assembly byenactment of this act to:
(1) Ensure that adequate public facilities are available toserve new growth and development;
(2) Ensure that new growth and development does not place anundue financial burden upon existing taxpayers;
(3) Promote orderly growth and development by establishinguniform standards for local governments to require that those who benefit fromnew growth and development pay a proportionate fair share of the cost of newand/or upgraded public facilities needed to serve that new growth anddevelopment;
(4) Establish standards for the adoption of developmentimpact fee ordinances by governmental entities;
(5) Empower governmental entities which are authorized toadopt ordinances to impose development impact fees.