§ 45-22.4-3 Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following words have the meanings stated in thissection:
(1) "Capital improvements" means improvements with a usefullife of ten (10) years or more, which increases or improves the servicecapacity of a public facility;
(2) "Capital improvement program" means that component of amunicipal budget that sets out the need for public facility capitalimprovements, the costs of the improvements, and proposed funding sources. Acapital improvement program must cover at least a five (5) year period andshould be reviewed at least every five (5) years;
(3) "Developer" means a person or legal entity undertakingdevelopment;
(4) "Governmental entity" means a unit of local government;
(5) "Impact fee" means the charge imposed upon newdevelopment by a governmental entity to fund all or a portion of the publicfacility's capital improvements affected by the new development from which itis collected;
(6) "Proportionate share" means that portion of the cost ofsystem improvements which reasonably relates to the service demands and needsof the project; and
(7) "Public facilities" means:
(i) Water supply production, treatment, storage, anddistribution facilities;
(ii) Wastewater and solid waste collection, treatment, anddisposal facilities;
(iii) Roads, streets, and bridges, including rights-of-way,traffic signals, landscaping, and local components of state and federalhighways;
(iv) Storm water collection, retention, detention, treatment,and disposal facilities, flood control facilities, bank and shore projections,and enhancement improvements;
(v) Parks, open space areas, and recreation facilities;
(vi) Police, emergency medical, rescue, and fire protectionfacilities;
(vii) Public schools and libraries; and
(viii) Other public facilities consistent with a community'scapital improvement program.