§ 45-22-3 Membership Continuationof present membership. (a) A planning board or commission consists of no less than five (5) members,and appointments are made for terms of a length that the terms of no more thanone third ( 1/3) of the members of the board or commission expire each year.Any vacancy occurring in the membership of a planning board or commission shallbe filled by the appointing authority for the remainder of the unexpired term.Any member of a planning board or commission may be removed from office by theappointing authority for due cause, following a public hearing.
(b) Vacancies to the planning board or commission occurringafter May 4, 1972, shall be filled in the manner prescribed in this section,except as provided in § 45-22-1 in cities or towns operating under a homerule charter.
(c) The Hopkinton town council has the right to appoint two(2) alternate members to the Hopkinton planning board and the Exeter towncouncil may appoint two (2) alternate members to the Exeter planning board andthe Richmond town council has the right to appoint two (2) alternate members tothe Richmond planning board.