§ 45-22-5 Organization, technicalassistance, and cooperative agreements. (a) A planning board or commission shall organize annually by electing from itsmembership a chairperson, a vice chairperson, and a secretary. The board orcommission may adopt any procedural rules deemed necessary to the discharge ofits duties.
(b) A planning board or commission may, subject to theapproval of the appointing authority and within the limit of funds appropriatedto it, enter into cooperative agreements with other city or town, state,regional, or federal agencies or private organizations to undertake studiesdeemed to be in the best interest of the locality, including cooperativeagreements with cities or towns in neighboring states where problems of commoninterest are deemed to exist. The board or commission may be authorized toaccept technical and financial assistance from other public agencies or privateorganizations, subject to the approval of the appointing authority.
(c) Within the limit of the funds appropriated to it, aplanning board or commission may engage technical or clerical assistance to aidin the discharge of its duties. Where a city or town provides for theestablishment of a planning department, responsible to the chief administrativeofficer or city or town council, the department may, in addition to its otherduties, be assigned to provide technical assistance to the planning board orcommission and to make studies and prepare plans and reports for the board orcommission as provided in § 45-22-7.