§ 45-22-7 Other duties of a planning boardor commission. (a) A planning board or commission established under the provisions of thischapter shall make studies and prepare plans and reports on the needs andresources of the community with reference to its physical, economic, and socialgrowth and development as affecting the health, safety, morals, and generalwelfare of the people. The studies, plans, and reports shall concern, but notnecessarily be limited to, the following:
(1) Land use and land use regulation;
(2) Transportation facilities;
(3) Public facilities including recreation areas, utilities,schools, fire stations, police stations, and others;
(4) Blighted areas including the designation of general areasfor redevelopment, renewal, rehabilitation, or conservation;
(5) Problems of housing and the development of housingprograms.
(6) Environmental protection;
(7) Natural resource conservation;
(8) Protection from disaster.
(9) Economic and social characteristics of the population;
(10) Preservation of historic sites and buildings; and
(11) Economic development.
(b) When directed by the city or town council or by theappointing authority, a planning board or commission shall prepare an annualcapital budget and a comprehensive long range capital improvement program forsubmission to the council, the appointing authority, or other designatedofficial or agency.
(c) A planning board or commission shall submit an advisoryopinion and recommendation on all zoning matters referred to it under theprovisions of the city or town zoning ordinance and report on any other matterreferred to it, by the city or town council, the chief executive, or theappointing authority.
(d) A planning board or commission shall perform any otherduties that may be assigned to the board or commission from time to time by anyact of the general assembly or by any ordinance, code, regulation order, orresolution of the city or town council or by the appointing authority.
(e) A planning board or commission has authority to call uponother departments, boards, and committees of the city or town and uponregional, state, and federal agencies for information and assistance necessaryto the performance of its duties, and shall cooperate with the city or town,regional, state, and federal agencies on matters of community, regional, andstate planning and development.
(f) Each planning board or commission must adopt a provisionrequiring any person who will be required to file a request for access pursuantto § 24-8-34 to file that request not later than the day on which thatperson files any document in connection with the project in question with theapplicable town or city, and to provide a copy of the request to the town orcity.