§ 45-24.1-1 Declaration of purpose. The preservation of structures of historic and architectural value and historiccemeteries, wherever located within a city or town, are declared to be a publicpurpose, and any city or town council has the power by ordinance to regulatethe construction, alteration, repair, moving, and demolition of thesestructures within the limits of the city or town. It is recognized that thepurpose of the ordinance is to:
(1) Safeguard the heritage of the city or town by preservinga district in a city or town which reflects elements of its cultural, social,economic, political, and architectural history;
(2) Stabilize and improve property values in that district;
(3) Foster civic beauty;
(4) Strengthen the local economy;
(5) Promote the use of the historic districts for theeducation, pleasure, and welfare of the citizens of the city or town; and
(6) Provide, where feasible, that in these historic districtshousing, including, but not limited to, limited equity cooperative housing, bemade available to low and/or moderate income residents.