§ 45-24.2-1 Legislative findings. It is hereby found and declared:
(1) That there exist, in the various cities and townsnumerous dwellings and dwelling premises which are substandard due todilapidation, deterioration and disrepair of dwellings and dwelling premises,structural defects, uncleanliness, lack of adequate ventilation, light,sanitary, heating, and hot water facilities, overcrowding of dwellings,occupancy of unfit dwellings, and other conditions and defects which increasethe hazards of illness, disease, fire, accidents, and other calamities;
(2) That these conditions, singly or in combination, endangerthe health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the people of the variouscities and towns, and give impetus to the development, continuation, extension,and aggravation of blighted and substandard housing conditions; and
(3) That it is a matter of legislative determination that theestablishment of minimum standards for dwellings is essential to the protectionof the public health, safety, morals, and general welfare.