§ 45-24.2-6 Court review. Any person, including the enforcing officer, aggrieved by any decision of theboard, whether established by § 45-24.3-16 or by any ordinance, rule, orregulation passed pursuant either to this chapter or to any special actgoverning minimum housing, may appeal a decision to the district courtencompassing the area wherein the real estate is located. Appeal shall be madeby filing a complaint with the court stating the facts upon which the appeal isbased and setting forth the reasons for the appeal. The complaint shall befiled within thirty (30) days after mailing notice of the final decision of theboard, and copies of the complaint shall be served upon the board and all otherparties of record in the manner prescribed by applicable procedural rules ofthe district court. A party aggrieved by any judgment of the district court mayseek further review by the supreme court in accordance with § 8-8-3.2(b).