§ 45-24.2-7 Penalties Districtcourt jurisdiction Providence housing court Municipal court ofthe town of North Providence Review by Supreme Court. Failure to comply with any ordinance, rule, or regulation passed pursuanteither to the authority hereof or to any special act governing minimum housingshall constitute a violation, as defined in § 11-1-2, punishable by a fineof not more than five hundred dollars ($500) for each violation, and each day'sfailure to comply with any provision shall constitute a separate violation. Thedistrict court shall have exclusive original jurisdiction of all violations asprovided in § 12-3-1; provided, that in the city of Providence, theProvidence housing court shall have jurisdiction to try violations occurringwithin the city of Providence; provided, further, that in the town of NorthProvidence, the municipal court of the town of North Providence shall havejurisdiction to try violations occurring within the town of North Providence,but only in the event that the city shall by ordinance create a court for thepurpose of exercising jurisdiction over minimum housing standards. A partyaggrieved by any judgment of the district court imposing a fine pursuant tothis section may seek review by the supreme court in accordance with §12-22-1.1.