§ 45-24.2-8 Court proceedings. (a) The district court has, upon proceedings instituted in the name of any ofthe several cities or towns, power to proceed according to equity to:
(1) Restrain, prevent, enjoin, abate, or correct a violation;or
(2) Order the repair, vacation, or demolition of any dwellingexisting in violation of the provisions of any ordinance passed or to otherwisecompel compliance with all of the provisions of any ordinance adopted pursuantto the authority of this chapter or any special act governing minimum housingstandards.
(b) When, under the provisions of any ordinance passedpursuant to the authority of this chapter or any special act, any work is doneor material furnished by any enforcing officer or by the officer's order at theexpense of the owner or other persons interested, the value of that work andmaterial may be recovered in an action brought against the owner or otherinterested person or persons, and if any work or materials has been done orfurnished at the cost of the city or town, the enforcing officer shall causethe action to be brought in the name of the city or town. Upon the entry of anycase or proceeding brought under the provisions of any ordinance passedpursuant to the authority of this chapter or any special act, the court shall,at the request of either party, advance the case so that it may be heard anddetermined with as little delay as possible. All proceedings instituted in thenames of the several cities or towns are exempt from the payment of thedistrict court filing fees. A party aggrieved by any judgment of the districtcourt may seek review by the supreme court in accordance with § 8-8-3.2(b).