§ 45-24.3-16 Rules and regulations Enforcement agencies Housing board of review. (a) The local authority is authorized to make, adopt, revise, and amend rulesand regulations that it deems necessary for the carrying out of the purposes ofthis chapter.
(b) Establishment of enforcement agencies. The localauthority will further provide for the creation and establishment of divisions,offices, departments, bureaus, and agencies and their respective officers,deputies, and agencies that may be required to enforce and administer thepowers and duties authorized by this chapter.
(c) Housing board of review. The local authority will providefor the selection and organization of a housing board of review consisting offive (5) members, provided that the Westerly housing board of review shallhave three (3) members, with two (2) members constituting a quorum. The localauthority is authorized to designate the board of appeals as the housing boardof review in the cities and towns where these boards of appeal now exist or maybe authorized by law. The chairperson or, in his or her absence, the actingchairperson, may administer oaths and compel the attendance of witnesses. Allhearings of the board are open to the public. Any housing board of reviewestablished pursuant to this chapter shall be governed by the followingprocedure:
(1) The board shall keep minutes of its proceedings, showingthe vote upon each question, and keep records of its decisions and findings andthe reasons therefor, and of its examinations and other official actions, allof which shall be filed immediately in the office of the board and be a publicrecord.
(2) The housing board of review is governed by §45-24.3-21 pertaining to appeals.