§ 45-24.4-10 Permit required to erect,construct, alter, repair, or demolish structure Commission quorum andvoting. (a) Before any structure may be erected, constructed, altered, repaired, ordemolished within a special development district, the person proposing theconstruction or other alteration shall file with the commission an applicationfor permission to erect, construct, alter, repair, or demolish the structure,together with plans and specifications, all that may be required by regulationsadopted by the commission. It is the duty of the commission to review theapplication, plans, and specifications, and no building permit shall be granteduntil the commission has acted on it. No construction or other alteration of astructure may be undertaken within a special development district without apermit.
(b) At all meetings of the commission, a majority of thecommissioners is necessary and sufficient to constitute a quorum for thetransaction of business, and the act of a majority of the commissioners presentat any meeting at which there is a quorum is the act of the commission, exceptas otherwise provided by law.