§ 45-24.4-9 Adoption of specialdevelopment district plan Regulation of structures and uses Notice. (a) A special development district commission shall adopt a plan of developmentfor the special development district. Any plan of development adopted by aspecial development district commission pursuant to this chapter may regulateand restrict, by means of regulations duly adopted by the commission, theerection, construction, reconstruction, alteration, repair, or use ofbuildings, structures, or land within the special development district in auniform, consistent, and nondiscriminatory manner that is rationally related tothe purposes of this chapter. The plan may include regulations relating toallowable land uses, the location and use of buildings, street systems,dimensional and area coverage requirements, setbacks and build-to lines,frontage, parking requirements, landscaping, pedestrian travel, signs, designreview, open spaces, and population density.
(b) Pursuant to the plan of development, the commission maydivide the special development district into several parcels as indicated on adevelopment map, and may regulate structures and uses differently in differentparcels, so long as regulation of similar structures and uses is uniform withinany one parcel.
(c) A plan of development may be adopted or amended onlyafter a public hearing before the commission, at which all interested partieshave an opportunity to be heard. Notice of the time, place, nature, and purposeof the public hearing shall be given to all owners of real property within thebounds of the special development district and within two hundred feet (200')of the perimeter thereof, by registered or certified mail at least seven (7)days before the date of the hearing, and by publication of notice in anewspaper of general circulation within the city at least once each week forthree (3) successive weeks prior to the date of the hearing.