§ 45-24-28 Continuation of ordinances Supercession Relation to other statutes. (a) Any zoning ordinance or amendment of the ordinance enacted after January 1,1992, shall conform to the provisions of this chapter. All lawfully adoptedzoning ordinances shall be brought into conformance with this chapter byDecember 31, 1994. Each city and town shall review its zoning ordinance andmake amendments or revisions that are necessary to bring it into conformancewith this chapter.
(b) All zoning ordinances adopted under authority of§§ 45-24-1 through 45-24-26 or any special zoning enabling act thatis in effect on June 17, 1991, shall remain in full force and effect untilDecember 31, 1994, unless earlier amended so as to conform to the provisions ofthis chapter, except that § 45-24-37 and § 45-24-44 shall becomeeffective on January 1, 1992.
(c) Former §§ 45-24-1 through 45-24-26 and allspecial zoning enabling acts, including, but not limited to, chapter 2299 ofthe public laws of 1922, as amended (town of Westerly); chapter 1277 of thepublic laws of 1926, as amended (town of Narragansett); chapter 2065 of thepublic laws of 1933, as amended (town of West Warwick); chapter 2233 of thepublic laws of 1935, as amended (town of Johnston); chapter 2079 of the publiclaws of 1948, as amended (town of North Kingstown); chapter 3125 of the publiclaws of 1953, as amended (town of New Shoreham); chapter 101 of the public lawsof 1973, as amended (town of South Kingstown); are repealed effective December31, 1994. All provisions of zoning ordinances adopted under authority of theprovisions of former §§ 45-24-1 through 45-24-26 or of any specialact are repealed and are null and void as of December 31, 1994, unless amendedso as to conform to the provisions of this chapter.
(d) Chapter 24.1 of this title, entitled "Historical AreaZoning", and chapter 3 of title 1, entitled "Airport Zoning", are notsuperseded by this chapter; provided, that any appeal to the superior courtpursuant to chapter 24.1 of this title, entitled "Historical Area Zoning", orpursuant to chapter 3 of title 1, entitled "Airport Zoning", is taken in themanner provided in § 45-24-69.
(e) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to limit theauthority of agencies of state government to perform any regulatoryresponsibilities.