§ 45-24-38 General provisions Substandard lots of record. Any city or town adopting or amending a zoning ordinance under this chaptershall regulate the use or uses of any single substandard lot of record orcontiguous lots of record at the effective date of adoption or amendment of thezoning ordinance notwithstanding the failure of that lot or those lots to meetthe dimensional and/or quantitative requirements, and/or road frontage or otheraccess requirements, applicable in the district as stated in the ordinance.Provisions may be made for the merger of contiguous unimproved, or improved andunimproved, substandard lots of record in the same ownership to createdimensionally conforming lots or to reduce the extent of dimensionalnonconformance. The ordinance shall specify the standards, on a district bydistrict basis, which determine the mergers. The standards include, but are notto be limited to, the availability of infrastructure, the character of theneighborhood, and the consistency with the comprehensive plan.