§ 45-24-54 Administration Administration and enforcement of zoning ordinance. A zoning ordinance adopted pursuant to this chapter must provide for theadministration and enforcement of its provisions pursuant to this chapter. Thezoning ordinance must designate the local official or agency and specifyminimum qualifications for the person or persons charged with itsadministration and enforcement, including: (1) the issuing of any requiredpermits or certificates; (2) collection of required fees; (3) keeping ofrecords showing the compliance of uses of land; (4) authorizing commencement ofuses or development under the provisions of the zoning ordinance; (5)inspection of suspected violations; (6) issuance of violation notices withrequired correction action; (7) collection of fines for violations; and (8)performing any other duties and taking any actions that may be assigned in theordinance. In order to provide guidance or clarification, the zoningenforcement officer or agency shall, upon written request, issue a zoningcertificate or provide information to the requesting party as to thedetermination by the official or agency within fifteen (15) days of the writtenrequest. In the event that no written response is provided within that time,the requesting party has the right to appeal to the zoning board of review forthe determination.