§ 45-28-2 City or town authority forextension of operations. (a) For the purpose of cooperating with and assisting cities and towns, ahousing authority may exercise its powers in the territory within theboundaries of any city or town not included in the area in which the housingauthority is then authorized to function, or in any designated portion of thatterritory, after the governing body of the city or town, as the case may be,adopts an ordinance or resolution declaring that there is a need for theauthority to function in the territory or in a designated portion of it.
(b) If a housing authority has previously been authorized toexercise its powers in the territory or designated portion, the ordinance orresolution shall not be adopted unless the housing authority finds thatultimate economy would thereby be promoted, and the housing authority shall notinitiate any housing project in that territory or designated portion after theadoption of the ordinance or resolution.