§ 45-29-15 Agreement between city andauthority as to payments to city. An authority may petition the city which created it to institute proceedingsunder the provisions of §§ 45-29-13 45-29-32 to acquireproperty described in the petition which the authority certifies to benecessary for a project. If the petition is acted upon favorably by the city,there shall be a definite agreement entered into between the city and theauthority in which shall be stated the amount to be paid by the authority tothe city for the property, or in lieu of that, that the authority shall pay tothe city all sums expended or required to be expended by the city in theacquisition of the property, and may require that the city receive, beforeproceeding with the acquisition of the property, assurances as to payment ofreimbursement by the authority or otherwise as the city may deem advisable.