§ 45-29-19 Filing of plat and statement bycity Service and publication of notice. (a) Subject to the previously stated provisions, the city shall commenceproceedings to condemn by filing in the records of land evidence for the city,a description of the property to be taken and a plat of it, and a statementthat the property is desired to be taken by condemnation pursuant to theprovisions of §§ 45-29-13 45-29-32, and shall simultaneouslyfile in the office of the clerk of the superior court in and for the county inwhich the lands or any interest in the lands are located, a like description,plat, and statement, all of which shall be signed by the mayor of the city.
(b) Notice of the taking of the property desired to becondemned shall be served upon the owners of, and persons having an estate in,and interested in the land, by the city sergeant of the city, by leaving a trueand attested copy of the description and statement with each of those personspersonally, or at the last and usual place of abode of those persons,respectively, in this state, with some person living there; and in case thosepersons are absent from this state and/or have no last and usual place of abodein this state occupied by any person, or in case the whereabouts of any personshall be unknown to the city sergeant, the copies shall be left with thepersons, if any, in charge of or having possession of the property, and anothercopy shall be mailed by the city sergeant postpaid to absent persons, at theirlast known addresses, respectively, to the extent that the addresses are knownto the city sergeant.
(c) Upon the filing of the description, plat, and statement,the city clerk shall cause them to be published in some newspaper published inthe city, or if none, then in some newspaper published in the county, in whichthe lands are located, at least twice a week for three (3) successive weeks.