§ 45-29-20 Notice of hearing on propertytaken by city. Upon the filing in the office of the clerk of the superior court of thedescription, plat, and statement referred to in § 45-29-19, the courtshall enter an order fixing the time when, and the place where, all personsinterested in the land or any interest or estate in the land, in thedescription, plat, or statement set forth, may appear before the court and beheard with reference to the taking of the land, (but not later than fifteen(15) days from the filing), and the hearing shall take precedence over allother civil matters pending before the court, or if the superior court not insession in that county, in the superior court for the counties of Providenceand Bristol. The clerk of the court for the county in which the land lies,shall then issue notice directed to the persons interested in the land or anyinterest or estate in it, containing a summary in substance of the description,plat, and statement so filed and a copy of the court order, all of which shallbe served by publication for a time and in a newspaper or newspapers that thecourt prescribes, and in any other manner that the court may direct.