§ 45-29-26 Representation of infants andpeople who are incompetent. When the lands or any interest or estate in them in which any infant or otherperson not capable in law to act in his or her own behalf, or unascertained ornot in being, is interested, are taken by the city under the provisions of§§ 45-29-13 45-29-32 the court, before which the proceedingsfor the taking are pending, may appoint a guardian ad litem or otherrepresentative for the infant or other person not in being or unascertained,and the guardian or representative may appear and be heard in behalf of theinfant or other person at any stage of the proceedings. The guardian orrepresentative may also, with the advice and consent of the court appointinghim or her, release to the city all claims for damages for the lands of theinfant or other person or for any interests or estate taken in them.