§ 45-31.2-5 Payment for replacementhousing for displaced tenants and certain others. In addition to amounts otherwise authorized by this chapter, a relocationagency shall make a payment to or for any displaced person displaced from anydwelling not eligible to receive a payment under § 45-31.2-4 whichdwelling was actually and lawfully occupied by the displaced person for notless than ninety (90) days prior to the initiation of negotiations foracquisition of the dwelling. The payment is either:
(1) The amount necessary to enable the displaced person tolease or rent for a period not to exceed any limitation provided in federallaw, a decent, safe, and sanitary dwelling of standards adequate to accommodatethe person in areas not generally less desirable in regard to public utilitiesand public and commercial facilities, and reasonably accessible to his or herplace of employment, but not to exceed the amount established by the federallaw; or
(2) The amount necessary to enable the person to make a downpayment (including incidental expenses described in § 45-31.2-4(a)(3)), onthe purchase of a decent, safe, and sanitary dwelling of standards adequate toaccommodate the person in areas not generally less desirable in regard topublic utilities and public and commercial facilities, but not to exceed theamount established by federal law, except that if the amount exceeds the amountestablished by federal law, in making the down payment.