§ 45-32.1-2 Preparation and approval ofdevelopment plans. The legislative body of any community is authorized to approve after a publichearing a development plan proposed by an educational institution of higherlearning, hospital, private redevelopment corporation, municipal or otherpublic corporation, or authority established by the state for the redevelopmentand renewal of an area within, adjacent to, or in the immediate vicinity of thearea of a redevelopment project assisted by the federal government under titleI of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended, mostly omitted by 42 U.S.C. §5316, which terminated the authority to make most grants or loans after January1, 1975; see, however, 42 U.S.C. § 1452c which is being undertaken by aredevelopment agency or by any city or town in this state. An educationalinstitution of higher learning, a hospital, private redevelopment corporation,municipal or other public corporation, or any authority established by thestate is authorized to prepare a development plan. Any state public body mayauthorize any educational institution of higher learning or hospitalestablished and maintained by the state public body to prepare a developmentplan.