§ 45-32.1-4 Cooperation in carrying outapproved development plan. If the legislative body of a community approves a development plan for an area,the city or town or the redevelopment agency may cooperate with the educationalinstitution of higher learning, hospital, private redevelopment corporation,municipal or public corporation, or authority in carrying out the approveddevelopment plan, and, for this purpose, may contract with the hospital,educational institution, corporation, or authority for the exercise of any ofthe powers of the city or town or the redevelopment agency. Any city or town orany redevelopment agency, educational institution of higher learning, and, whenso authorized by the city or town, any educational institution of higherlearning, or hospital, established and maintained by any city or town or anyhospital may do all things and may take actions that may be necessary ordesirable to assure that the community or the redevelopment agency obtainscredit as a local grant in aid for the aggregate amount of expenditures made byany educational institution, hospital, corporation, or authority which would beeligible under title I of the Housing Act of 1949, as amended mostly omitted by42 U.S.C. § 5316, which terminated the authority to make most grants orloans after January 1, 1975; see, however, 42 U.S.C. § 1452c.