§ 45-32.1-6 Definitions. The following terms wherever used or referred to in this chapter have thefollowing meanings unless a different meaning is clearly indicated by thecontext:
(1) "Community" means any city or town in this state.
(2) "Development plan" means a plan for the redevelopment orrenewal of an area, including acquisition of land, buildings, and structures tobe redeveloped or rehabilitated for educational or hospital use and demolitionof buildings and structures, which:
(i) Shall conform to the general plan of the community as awhole, and
(ii) Shall conform to the requirements of the "RedevelopmentAct of 1956," chapters 31 33 of this title, with respect to the contentsof the redevelopment plan.
(3) "Educational institution of higher learning" means anypublic or private educational institution, no part of the net earnings of whichinures to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual which
(i) Provides an educational program for which it awards abaccalaureate degree, or provides for not less than a two (2) year programwhich is acceptable for full credit towards a degree, or is a graduate orprofessional school, and
(ii) Is accredited by a nationally recognized accreditingagency or association or, if not so accredited, is an institution whose creditsare accepted, on transfer, by not less than three (3) accredited educationalinstitutions for credit on the same basis as if transferred from an institutionso accredited.
(4) "Educational uses" means those uses related to thefunctions of teaching or research, or the housing, feeding, and care ofstudents and faculty, or otherwise intended for the primary benefit of studentsand faculty.
(5) "Hospital" means any public or private hospital licensedby the state, no part of the net earnings of which inures to the benefit of anyprivate shareholder or individual.
(6) "Hospital uses" means those uses related to the functionsof a hospital in providing care and treatment of the ill or injured, includingthe housing, feeding, and care of resident interns, physicians, and nurses.
(7) "Legislative body" means the city council or town council.
(8) "Private redevelopment corporation" means
(i) Any corporation which is wholly owned or controlled byone or more educational institutions of higher learning or hospitals, or whichhas been constituted as an instrumentality of the institutions or hospitals; or
(ii) A corporation which operates on a nonprofit basis inbehalf of a hospital or an educational institution.
(9) "Redevelopment agency" means the public body or agencyauthorized by the "Redevelopment Act of 1956," chapters 31 33 of thistitle, to undertake and carry out redevelopment projects.
(10) "Redevelopment plan" means a redevelopment plan preparedand approved in accordance with the provisions of the "Redevelopment Act of1956," chapters 31 33 of this title.
(11) "Redevelopment project" means any work or undertaking ofa redevelopment agency pursuant to chapters 31 33 of this title.
(12) "State public body" means the state, or any city or townor any other subdivision or public body of the state or of any city or town.