§ 45-33.2-18 Annual report. No later than September 1 of each year a project plan pursuant to this chapteris in effect in a city or town, the city or town shall make a report to thedirector of the department of economic development. The annual report shallreview for the preceding fiscal year the activities financed by tax incrementfinancing, the taxable valuation of the city or town, and for each taxincrement area within the city or town, the taxable valuation of the propertywithin the tax increment area, the amount of the tax increment, and the amountused or set aside for the purposes of the plan. The report shall also includethe approximate number of new jobs created or preserved from the activitiesfinanced by tax incremental financing, construction and nonconstruction, theapproximate amount of the wages for the jobs created, what types of fringebenefits, such as healthcare insurance or retirement benefits were madeavailable to the new jobs created, the amount of new personal income taxesgenerated for the state of Rhode Island, a description of any plan or processintended to stimulate hiring in the municipality where the project is located,training of employees or potential employees and outreach to minority jobapplicants and minority businesses and any other relevant information requestedby the director.