§ 45-33-17 Previously issued bondsratified. All proceedings taken before April 2, 1956, by a legislative body of acommunity authorizing the issuance of bonds of a community to provide funds fora redevelopment revolving fund under § 46 of chapter 1802 of the PublicLaws of 1946, as amended, or for a redevelopment revolving fund under § 49of chapter 2574 of the Public Laws of 1950, where the issuance of bonds hasbeen approved by the voters of the community, are ratified, confirmed, anddeclared legal in all respects, and the issuance of any bonds so authorized isapproved and reauthorized, notwithstanding the repeal of chapter 1802 of thePublic Laws of 1946, as amended, or of chapter 2574 of the Public Laws of 1950,and notwithstanding the provisions of the charter of any community or of anygeneral or special law.