§ 45-35-2 Appointment of commissionmembers. The commission shall consist of three (3) to seven (7) members appointed by themayor with the advice and consent of the city council, or by the town council,or by any authority designated in its city or town charter. The members of thecommission shall be appointed for three (3) year terms, except the initialappointments of some of the members shall be for less than three (3) years tothe end that the initial appointments shall be staggered and so that allsubsequent vacancies shall not reoccur at the same time. In the event of avacancy, interim appointments may be made by the appointing authority tocomplete the unexpired term of the position. Duly incorporated and existingwildlife, conservation, sportsmen's, horticultural, or like organizations maypresent to the appointing authority a list of qualified citizens from whichlists the appointing authority must select at least three (3) members of thecommission and from which list the appointing authority may select theremainder.