§ 45-36-2 Conservation of open spaces. Any city, subject to the approval of its council, or any town, subject to theapproval of the town council and financial town meeting, if it has one, may bypurchase, bequest, gift, grant, devise, or lease, acquire land and improvementson it, rights of way, water riparian and other rights, easements, conservationeasements, scenic easements, privileges, present and future estates, andinterests of any kind or description in real property; and may enter intocovenants and agreements with owners of land and owners of interests in land tomaintain, improve, protect, and limit the future use of or otherwise conserveopen spaces; and may enter into agreements or compacts with any other city ortown for any purposes; provided, if an open space is to be acquired by theexpenditure of public funds, the city or town shall, prior to the expenditure,obtain from the department of environmental management a statement, in writing,that the open space is not desired by the department for open space purposes.