§ 45-37-3 Powers. In addition to any other powers which it may now have, and notwithstanding anylaw to the contrary, the state and any municipality have, without any otherauthority, the following powers:
(1) To acquire by gift, from a nonbusiness corporation formedunder the provisions of chapter 6 of title 7, one or more industrialfacilities, which are located within this state and which may be located withinor partially within the municipality.
(2) To lease to any person, firm, partnership, orcorporation, either public or private, any or all of its industrial facilitiesfor rentals and upon terms and conditions and for a period or periods as thegoverning body of the appropriate municipality may deem advisable or, inrespect of the state, or a department, board, body, or commission of the state,as the governor may deem advisable; provided, that the lease or leases requirethat the payment of all costs of operation, maintenance, and upkeep of theindustrial facilities be paid by the lessee, sublessee, or occupant, and thatunder no circumstances will the state or municipality be obligated, directly orindirectly, for the payment of those costs.
(3) To sell and convey all or any part of any industrialfacility owned by it at public or private sale with or without advertisement,and to do all acts necessary to the accomplishment of that sale or conveyance.