§ 45-38.1-22 Chapter cumulative Nonotice required. Neither this chapter nor anything contained in this chapter shall be construedas a restriction or limitation upon any powers which the Rhode Island healthand educational building corporation might otherwise have under any laws ofthis state, but shall be construed as cumulative of those powers. The precedingsections of this chapter are deemed to provide a complete, additional, andalternative method for the doing of the things authorized by this chapter, andshall be regarded as supplemental and additional to powers conferred by otherlaws; provided, that the issuance of revenue bonds and revenue refunding bondsunder the provision of this chapter need not comply with the requirements ofany other law applicable to the issuance of bonds, including particularly title6A, and contracts for the construction and acquisition of any projectundertaken pursuant to this chapter need not comply with the provisions oftitle 37. To the extent that the provisions of this chapter are inconsistentwith the provisions of the general laws, this chapter shall be deemedcontrolling. No proceedings, notice, or approval shall be required for theissuance of any bonds or any instrument as security therefor, except as isprovided in this chapter.