§ 45-40-2 Membership. The commission shall consist of four (4) to seven (7) members appointed by themayor with the advice and consent of the city council, or by the town council,or by any authority designated in its city or town charter. The members of thecommission are appointed for three (3) year terms, except that the initialappointments are for less than three (3) years to the end that the initialappointments are staggered and so that all subsequent vacancies do not occur atthe same time. In the event of a vacancy, interim appointments may be made bythe appointing authority to complete the unexpired term of the position. Of themembers, two (2) shall be members of the city or town council, one shall be amember of the school committee, one shall be a fiscal or budget officer of themunicipality, and the remaining members shall be residents of the municipality.