§ 45-48.1-1 Creation. (a) There is created a body corporate and public and a political subdivision ofthe state, a special water district to be known as the West Greenwich waterdistrict located in the town of West Greenwich established for the purpose ofproviding adequate water supply to the residents of the district and to otherswho may contract with the district for water supply. The district shall consistof the area bounded by the following: a line two hundred fifty (250) feet fromeither side of Victory Highway, Route 102, commencing at the intersection ofVictory Highway and Sharpe Street and Plain Meeting House Road and continuingsouth to Pole 84 and the intersection Victory Highway and Linden Lane; a linetwo hundred fifty (250) feet on either side of Brown's Corner Road from VictoryHighway and continuing to the intersection Brown's Corner Road with StubbleBrook Road and the W. Alton Jones Campus of the University of Rhode Island; aline two hundred fifty (250) feet on either side of Linden Lane, StratfordCourt and Kings Daughter Court; a line two hundred fifty (250) feet on eitherside of Regina Drive commencing at the intersection of Linden Lane andcontinuing to the intersection of Regina Drive with Heather Hollow Road. Thearea within the boundaries described in this section shall be known as the WestGreenwich water district.
(b) The district is hereby constituted an independent publicinstrumentality and the exercise by the district of the powers conferred bythis chapter shall be deemed and held to be the performance of an essentialpublic function. The district shall not be subject to the supervision of thetown or of any department, commission, board, bureau or agency of the townexcept to the extent and in the manner provided in this chapter.