§ 45-48.1-9 Construction and maintenanceof pipes, aqueducts and other structures Tax exemption. The district may within and without the district, and within the limits of thetown of West Greenwich, and without the consent of the town, drive, lay, make,construct, and maintain pipes, aqueducts, conduits, machinery, or otherequipment or appliances, or authorize the construction and maintenance to bedone, and regulate their use; and may carry any works to be constructed, orauthorized to be constructed by it, over or under any highway, turnpike,railroad, or street, in any manner so as not to permanently obstruct or impedetravel; and may enter upon and dig up any highway, turnpike, road or street forthe purpose of laying down pipes or building aqueducts, upon or beneath thesurface or for the purpose of repairing the pipes or aqueducts, and, if in thecourse of making, constructing, or repairing, any pipe, conduit, or otherstructure lawfully located in a highway, turnpike, road, or street is damaged,or if the location of the pipe, conduit, or other structure is changed, thedistrict shall reimburse the owner of the pipe, conduit, or other structure forthe damage, or for the expense of the change of location. The district shallrestore the highway, turnpike, road, or street so dug up, to as good acondition as before the work was done.