§ 45-48-3 Annual and special meetings Voting. (a) The district shall hold an annual meeting on the first Tuesday in June inevery year.
(b) Special meetings of the district shall be called by theclerk upon order of the administrative board or upon written application of atleast five (5) electors; and whenever the subject of ordering a tax is to beacted on at any special meeting, the tax shall be mentioned in the notice. Itis the duty of the clerk to fix a suitable place for the holding of allmeetings, and to give notice of each meeting, both annual and special, byposting a notice in at least three (3) public places within the town at leastten (10) days before the meeting, and the notice shall contain a statement ofthe time and place when and where a meeting will be held for the purpose ofcorrecting and canvassing the voting list to be used at the annual or specialmeeting, and it is the duty of the assessors of taxes of the district tocanvass and correct the voting list in the same manner, as near as may be, oras provided by law for boards of canvassers.
(c) No vote, except upon an adjournment, or in the annualelection of officers, shall be taken at any meeting of the district unless atleast seven (7) electors are present at the meeting. On demand of at leastone-fifth ( 1/5) of the qualified electors of the district present at anymeeting for a ballot on any question pending at the meeting, the ballot shallbe allowed; and all votes except on motion to adjourn, or on amendment to anypending proposition, shall be required by the moderator to be so taken, thatthe votes affirmative and negative may be by him or her counted, and theresults entered by the clerk on the minutes of the meeting.
(d) It is the duty of the clerk of the district to fix asuitable place within the district for the holding of meetings and for givingnotice of subsequent meetings.