§ 45-49-3 School age child care grantprogram. (a) The department of human services shall provide grants to assist in theplanning, establishment, operation, or expansion of school age child careprograms; and the state controller is authorized and directed to draw his orher orders upon the general treasurer for the payment of sums or portionsthereof as may be required from time to time upon the receipt by him or her ofproperly authenticated vouchers.
(b) Grants under this section may be made to schoolcommittees, regional school districts, any appropriate office, board, or agencyof municipal government, and public or private nonprofit agencies.
(c) The maximum total of a grant under this section to anygrantee is thirty thousand dollars ($30,000).
(d) In order to obtain a grant, the applicant must:
(1) Demonstrate the municipality's need for a school agechild care program;
(2) Demonstrate that at least twenty-five percent (25%) ofthe cost of the proposed program will be contributed, either in cash or inkind, by public or private resources within the municipality; and
(3) Demonstrate that the municipality has established, byappropriate legislative or executive action, a school age child care advisorydevelopment committee, which shall assist in the planning and development ofthe proposed program and which shall include parents, child care providers,representatives of the school system, and representatives of municipalgovernment.
(e) The department of human services shall adopt rules andregulations that are necessary and appropriate to carry out the purposes ofthis section. Until a time that the department of human services adopts rulesand regulations, the rules and regulations promulgated by the department ofchildren, youth and families prior to July 1, 1990, during its administrationof this chapter shall continue in full force and effect, and the rules andregulations shall be administered by the department of human services untilrevoked, amended, or republished by the department of human services inaccordance with chapter 35 of title 42.