§ 45-5-11 Burial lands and funds. (a) Town councils may take and hold, to them and their successors in office,all lands within their towns, conveyed to them in trust for burial purposesand, in like manner, may receive, hold, and manage all funds conveyed to themfor the purpose of ornamenting or keeping in repair these burial lots withintheir towns, and execute the trusts in accordance with the terms contained inthe instruments of conveyance. Funds received, or already received, may beplaced in a general burial lot fund and this fund may be invested in securitieswhich are legal for investment of funds of savings banks in this state. Theearnings of this fund shall be apportioned to the various individual trusts inthe proportion each trust, including any undisbursed earnings, bears inrelation to the total of the general burial lot fund. Funds received or alreadyreceived for the purpose of ornamenting or keeping in repair burial lots intown-owned cemeteries may be placed in a general burial lot fund, and this fundmay be invested in securities which are legal for investment of funds ofsavings banks in this state. The earnings of this fund shall be apportioned tothe individual trusts in the proportion that the principal of each trust bearsin relation to the total principal in the general burial lot fund.
(b) Effective July 1, 1976, the town of Bristol shall notapportion the earned income of the fund, and it shall be used for maintenanceof the entire burial ground.
(c) Effective July 1, 1979, the towns of Tiverton andRichmond shall not apportion the earned income of their respective funds, andit shall be used for maintenance of their entire burial grounds.