§ 45-5-17 Claim and prosecution ofappeals. The appeal shall be claimed within forty (40) days by the filing with the townor city clerk of a written claim of appeal and the payment to the clerk at thattime of the lawful fees for a copy of the record of the proceeding appealedfrom. Within fifty (50) days from the date of the determination appealed fromthe appellant shall file a copy of the record of the proceeding appealed from,together with a specific statement of the appellant's reasons of appeal, in theclerk's office of the superior court for the county, to which reasons theappellant shall be restricted, unless for cause shown, and with or withoutterms, the superior court allows amendments of the appeal and additions to it.Notice of the appeal shall be given in the same manner, and the assignment dayof the appeal shall be the same, as is provided for probate appeals, and anyjustice of the superior court may, with or without terms, extend the time forfiling a copy of the record and for making service or further service of thenotice of the appeal.