§ 45-50-12 Powers of authority. The authority is authorized and empowered:
(1) To adopt bylaws for the regulation of its affairs and theconduct of its business;
(2) To adopt an official seal and alter the seal at pleasure;
(3) To maintain an office at a place or places within themunicipality as it may designate;
(4) To sue and be sued in its own name, plead, and beimpleaded; provided, that any and all actions against the authority are broughtonly in the county in which the principal office of the authority is located;
(5) To acquire, purchase, hold, and use any property, real,personal, or mixed, tangible or intangible, or any interest in it necessary ordesirable for carrying out the purposes of the authority, and to mortgage,lease, or sell any of that property; and (without limitation of the preceding)to lease, as lessee, any property, real, personal, or mixed, or any interest init, to lease as lessor to the municipality in which it is established, anyproject of the authority, and to sell, transfer, and convey to any lessee or toany other person upon terms and conditions and for considerations that theauthority determines;
(6) To acquire by purchase, lease, or otherwise, and toconstruct, improve, equip, furnish, maintain, renovate, repair, and operateprojects, and to establish rules and regulations for the use of any project;
(7) To rent space in public facilities, as from time to timemay not be needed by any governmental entity, to any person for any otherpurposes that the authority may determine and upon terms and in a manner thatthe authority may determine;
(8) To employ, in its discretion, planning, architectural, orengineering consultants, attorneys, accountants, construction and financialexperts, superintendents, managers, and any other officers, employees, andagents as may be necessary in its judgment, and to fix their compensation;
(9) To fix and revise from time to time, subject to theprovisions of this chapter, and to charge and collect fees, rentals, and othercharges for the use of the facilities of, or for the services rendered by, theauthority or projects of the authority, at rates to be determined by theauthority, for the purpose of providing for the payment of the expenses of theauthority, the acquisition, construction, improvement, repair, equipping,furnishing, maintenance, and operation of its facilities and properties, andfor the payment of the principal of and interest on its obligations, and tofulfill the terms and provisions of any agreements made with the purchasers orholders of any obligations;
(10) To issue bonds of the authority for any of its purposes,payable solely from the revenues pledged for their payment, and to refund itsbonds, all as provided in this chapter;
(11) To borrow money in anticipation of the issuance of bondsfor any of its purposes and to issue notes, certificates, or other evidences ofthe borrowing upon terms as may be authorized by resolution of the authority;
(12) To make and enter into all contracts and agreementsnecessary or incidental to the performance of its duties and the execution ofits powers under this chapter;
(13) Without limitation of the preceding, to borrow moneyfrom, to receive and accept grants for or in aid of construction or acquisitionof projects authorized under this chapter from, and to enter into contracts,leases, or other transactions with any federal agency; and to receive andaccept from the state or any municipality, and from any other source, aid orcontributions of money, property, labor, or other things of value, to be held,used, and applied only for the purposes for which the grants and contributionsmay be made;
(14) To combine for financing purposes any two (2) or moreprojects authorized to be acquired or constructed under the provisions of thischapter;
(15) To be a promoter, partner, member, owner, associate, ormanager of any partnership, condominium, or other enterprise or venture;
(16) To acquire in the name of the authority by purchase orotherwise, on terms and conditions and in the manner that it may deem proper,or by the exercise of the rights of condemnation in the manner provided, anypublic or private lands, including public parks, playgrounds, or reservations,or parts of them or rights in them, rights of way, property, rights, easements,and interests as it may deem necessary for carrying out the provisions of thischapter; provided, that all public property damaged in carrying out the powersgranted by this chapter shall be restored or repaired and placed in itsoriginal condition as nearly as practicable; and
(17) To do all other acts and things necessary or convenientto carry out the powers expressly granted in this chapter.