§ 45-52-4 Board of canvassers. (a) There shall be a board of canvassers consisting of the tax assessor and taxcollector.
(b) The board of canvassers shall meet and canvass the votinglist of the district on the last Monday of June in every year and shall makeout a correct alphabetic list of the voters of the district, indicating those,if any, who are disqualified because of arrears in the payment of taxes, andshall certify the correctness of the list and file it with the district clerk.
(c) The board of canvassers shall hold a meeting on the dayof, and immediately preceding, each annual and special meeting of the district,and shall correct the list of voters by showing which of the voters are then inarrears in the payment of taxes and by adding the name of every personqualified to vote whose name is not on the list of voters. The list of voters,so corrected, shall be certified by the board of canvassers and filed with thedistrict clerk before the meeting is called to order.