§ 45-52-6 Election of district officers. (a) The voters in the district shall at the annual meeting choose and elect amoderator, a district clerk, a district treasurer, an assessor of taxes, and acollector of taxes; and at the first annual meeting after the effective date ofthis act shall elect a finance committee of three (3) members, one member toserve for three (3) years, one to serve for two (2) years, and one to serve forone year, and a public works committee of three (3) members, one member toserve for three (3) years, one member to serve for two (2) years, and onemember to serve for one year; and shall elect annually thereafter one member ofthe finance committee to serve for three (3) years and one member of the publicworks committee to serve for three (3) years. All of the previously electedofficers shall hold their offices until the expiration of their terms, anduntil their successors have been elected and qualified. The voters mayauthorize the employment of assistants to any of the district officers,committees, commissions, and boards, as may be necessary in the conduct of theaffairs of the district.
(b) In case of the death, resignation, or removal of anycollector of taxes, the collector elected or appointed to complete thecollection, has the same power to collect taxes as the collector first electedor appointed.
(c) Whenever a vacancy occurs in any office by death, removalout of the district, resignation, or by neglect or refusal to qualify, or forany other cause, a meeting of the council of the district may be called by anymember then in office, and at the meeting a qualified voter shall be appointedto fill the vacancy and exercise all the powers of the office until the nextannual district meeting.