§ 45-52-7 Notice of and place of districtmeetings. (a) A district meeting shall be held annually on the first Saturday of Augustin each year at nine o'clock a.m. (9:00 a.m.), for the election of districtofficers and the transaction of all other business that may legally come beforethe meeting. The meeting shall be held within the town of Charlestown.
(b) District meetings other than the annual district meetingmay be called in the manner provided in this section.
(c) The district clerk shall give notice of every annualmeeting of the district by mailing notice of the meeting to all of the personsnamed in the list of voters, corrected and filed as provided in § 45-52-4.
(d) Notice of an annual district meeting shall be given bymailing a written or printed notice of the time when and the place where themeeting is to be held not less than seven (7) and not more than ten (10) daysprior to the day appointed for the meeting.
(e) Whenever the district council and/or one-third ( 1/3) ofthe qualified voters makes a request, in writing, for the calling of a specialdistrict meeting to transact any business relating to the district, in respectof which they have a right to vote, and direct the request to the districtclerk, the district clerk shall cause the voters to be duly notified of thetime when and the place where the meeting is to be held and of the businessproposed to be transacted at the meeting.
(f) Notice of special district meetings shall be given in themanner provided for annual district meetings. At all special district meetingsno business shall be transacted other than that stated in the call.