§ 45-52-8 District treasurer. (a) The district treasurer, before he or she proceeds to discharge the dutiesof his or her office, shall give bond to the district in the sum and withsurety that the voters may determine, conditioned for the faithful discharge ofthe duties of his or her office. The bond shall be deposited with the districtclerk.
(b) The treasurer shall pay out no moneys other than thosemoneys authorized to be expended by vote of the district.
(c) The district treasurer shall, at the annual districtmeeting, make a statement of his or her accounts, in writing, showing theseveral sums received and paid by him or her during the previous year, andshowing in detail the persons to whom, and the purpose for which, the paymentswere made.
(d) The accounts shall be audited annually by a person orpersons as the district may direct.
(e) The district treasurer shall retain all his or hervouchers or receipts for the payments charged in the account, to be kept onfile with other papers of his or her office.