§ 45-53-7 Housing appeals board. (a) There shall be within the state a housing appeals board consisting of seven(7) voting members to be appointed by the governor, who shall include four (4)local officials, who shall not be from the same city or town; two (2) of whomshall be from a city or town with a population of less than twenty-fivethousand (25,000); and two (2) of whom shall be from a city or town with apopulation of twenty-five thousand (25,000) or greater, and shall include onelocal zoning board member, one local planning board member, one city councilmember and one town council member, one of the local official members shall bedesignated by the governor as the alternative local official member who shallbe a voting member of the board only in the event that one or more of the otherthree (3) local officials is unable to serve at a hearing; one affordablehousing developer; one affordable housing advocate; one representative of thebusiness community; and one attorney knowledgeable in land use regulation, whoshould be chairperson of the board.
(2) Those members of the board as of July 2, 2004 who wereappointed to the board by members of the general assembly shall cease to bemembers of the board on July 2, 2004, and the governor shall thereupon nominatefour (4) new members each of whom shall serve for the balance of the currentterm of his or her predecessor.
(3) All other members of the commission as of July 2, 2004shall continue to serve for the duration of their current terms.
(4) All gubernatorial appointments made under this sectionafter July 2, 2004 shall be subject to the advice and consent of the senate.
(b) All appointments are for two (2) year terms; except asotherwise provided in subsection (a)(2) of this section, the terms of membersappointed after December 31, 2004, shall be for three (3) years. Each memberwho is duly appointed or continued in office after January 1, 2005, shall holdoffice for the term for which the member is appointed and until the member'ssuccessor shall have been appointed and qualified, or until the member'searlier death, resignation, or removal. A member shall receive no compensationfor his or her services, but shall be reimbursed by the state for allreasonable expenses actually and necessarily incurred in the performance of hisor her official duties. The board shall hear all petitions for review filedunder § 45-53-5, and shall conduct all hearings in accordance with therules and regulations established by the chair. Rhode Island housing shallprovide space, and clerical and other assistance, as the board may require.